Monday, January 31, 2011

I am a man!

I am a Man!    

What is it that every girl wants to do that a Man can do? Ok well what is it that Pam has wanted to do that every Man can do?...  

 I don’t even have to answer that question cuz it is so obvious!

Last night Ben and I had a bonding experience that men have shared throughout the age of all times... We both peed standing up off the back of the boat! well he has always been able to pee standing up but not me.  BUT now I have a "Go-Girl".. yup it is a funnel. if you are a girl right now you'd be saying, "Ya right ha ha no way... peeing standing up is impossible."

I know I have read all the books about how to pee standing up if you are a girl... nope it drips down your leg.... I've tried it all! and I'm sure most of you are believing me.  this funnel is a certain shape and it really works.  i'm an advertisement for Go-Girl.  I bought two just incase other female visitors want to try it. don't worry for all you sissy girls we have a regular toilet too.  But why put pee in the holding tank when you can pee like a man!?  Bahamas here I come!

so let me start with .... “our beginning of the adventure to the Bahamas”.    

We first took a well rested detour to visit my sister and her hubby in Georgia.  Many of you know she had brain surgery and she is doing amazingly well.  All her pain is gone.  Ed is doing amazingly well also at taking care of Nola.  We had a great time and will be back soon, I’m sure.     We made it to Cricket and she looked good.  It is a bit nervy to leave a boat for 7 weeks.   a lot can happen... the worst was the solar panel had came unvelcro-ed and our happy neighbors fixed it and tied it back on.  I guess there was a gale force wind and it came undone.  We also had a commemorate (duck-like bird) love our cockpit.  She even loved to sit under the dodger and yup poop.  Other than that all is good.  

Lila has loved the car ride south.  She has been on long walks and is a trooper.  We thought she might have forgotten the sailing life.  But she is so at home and happy and relaxed.  She is just hanging around.  She came in the boat and looked for her kitty litter, then scratched on her scratch pad then jumped up to her favorite sitting spot.  All is well with her.   I brought her favorite tent that she loves to hide in and she is crazy for her tent and has spent many hours today in it.  Thanks Jason! it has really been worth the extra money you spent buying it.

Like all good long trips come lists and lists... I know there are some of you that like lists here they are. we are feeding many friends and family over the next 10 weeks!
this is the rest of the food list. We have already gotten the majority of food at Sams Club with Dave Solberg.  Thanks Dave for helping! The rest is mostly junk food stuff for all you visitors.

Juice boxes
Cola no caffine
Coffee filters
Printer paper
Baby wipes
Cranberry juice
Crackers for nutella
Summer saugae
Toilet paper
Baking soda
Horsey sauce
Meats? Pepperoni?
Kitty litter

Here is the Provision list of stuff to do
Pam's provisions
Customs approval
Outboard motor check
Att rates data plan
Extra gas cans
Extra water cans
Collapsible  water container
Bike pump
Paint bow sprit
Awnings finish
Clean out boat
Caulking chain plates
Wash deck
Get provisions pop drinks coffee etc
Call oceans pursuit about electrical
Check all navigation and equipment
Check VHF
Food check

Phew that is my list and Ben has a few that is not on this list.

the weather is about 70 degrees and hoping to get warmer!

Many blessings to our friends and family!
Love Pam n Ben